Winalite International

Winalite is a relatively new company that operates using a network marketing business model. If  you’re reading this review, chances are you’re looking for information on Winalite and probably considering of becoming a distributor  yourself. Before you decide, read this entire review so you can better position yourself to make an informed decision. !!
In this brief review, we will go through the actual company, the services, the distributor’s compensation and of course see whether it’s really a good business opportunity.!!

The company
Let’s start with the actual company. Winalite specializes in innovative health care products through a network marketing business model. They are based in Guangzhou, China and their operation spans various regions including corporate offices in Asia, Europe, even North and South America, Africa as well. A respectable market reach since its establishment in January 2007.
Founded by Mr Chen Huaide, a distinguished and respected businessman who built the Winalite international brand with a working principle of “ Technology Creates Love “. Credited to 20 successful ventures ti his name, his stewardship has grown Winalite International to a strength  of more than 400 employees, including an experienced management team from previous Fortune 500 companies.!!

The service. 
As for their services, Winalite markets mainly for women with their flagship product, Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkins. A really innovative product to care for women during their sensitive cycle, Love Moon provides superior comfort with a dry feeling for a rejuvenating day.Whats sets Love Moon Sanitary Napkins apart is its patented Anion (Negative-ion) Strip that is embedded in the layers of the product.
Anions are basically beneficial components in air as vitamins are in food. Through research, this negative ion technology supplements the prevention of diseases and also several health benefits to users
What it does for women is by suppressing bacteria, eliminating odor and promoting comfortable menstruation. For general health, it helps with lethargy, mirgraines, stress and also infections.
From a marketing point of view, there is a huge market for the services that Winalite markets since it is a necessity product for women on a regural basic. Couple with its patented technology with their high manufacturing standards, there is no doubt that Love Moon would continue ti be well received by the public.
From a business perspective, Winalite’s commitment in developing new breakthroughs in health care product would stimulate a healthy growth for the company as well as distributors. Their new state-of-the-art Gaoming Production Base is a testament for their long standing vision.

The compensation
Now, let’s get into the most rewarding detail. Their distributor’s compensation. There are 4 different ways to become a distributor in Winalite, as a Silver (50PV), Gold (250PV), Platinum (600PV) or Diamond (1500PV) member. To maximise these plans, you could sign in as Diamond !! And ofcouse you need a sponsor ID. You can use sponsor ID : MY0038453 ASIAH KAUS and if you still can’t sign in kindly contact us at +60193700388 Mr Yus or facebook : , email me as well. We will guide you.

Winalite’s compensation plan allows you to make money from various different ways, namely through Sponsor Bonuses, Multiplier Bonuses and also Leadership Bonuses. By rewarding you with upfront income and back-end residual incomes, their compensation plan seems to be very generous given to the right person.

In conclusion, there’s no denying that Winalite International is a good company. Their coporate leaders are experienced, with a firm track record in the industry. The services offered are of good demand also realistically marketable, and agenerous compensation plan. A solid foundation to start a rewarding career innetwork marketing. However, having all that in place isn’t enough to succeed. You need a functional support system too on how to build a huge network. So Freedom Faithnet Global (FFG) is the answer for you to start this business opportunity. Don’t hesitated to contact us at +60193700388 Mr. Yus, email : or you may find us in I will share and show you on how to success in this business opportunity.

FFG on Dicember 2011, broke 2 World Guinness Record again, in Jakarta, Indonesia.  Until today FFG already broke 3 World Guinness Record !! I am so sure we can make the turning point of your life in FFG. Come and join me NOW !

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    MEET HIM !! ASAP !!




I know not everybody willing to change what they use to be..
However trying TO DO SOMETHING is much better then NOT DOING ANYTHING for the great future..